
>Removal Guides>如何摆脱花栗鼠(完整的删除指南)



Chipmunks arepart of the Sciuridae family, otherwise known as the squirrel family. They are smaller than squirrels and are on the ground much more because they mostly travel, feed, and live on the ground and in underground burrows.

Chipmunks eat fruit, seeds, nuts, and even small birds and their eggs, which leads to a lot of damage as they dig to reach their food source. In addition, they may dig underneath decks, patios, retaining walls, house foundations, and other outdoor structures, which can cause many problems. Chipmunks prefer to live outside in their underground burrows, but they will enter our homes to look for food if given a chance.

If you live in an area with chipmunks, it’s critical that you know how to prevent chipmunk problems and identify chipmunk infestations.

Keep reading to learn more about:

  • How To Get Rid of Chipmunks
  • How To Keep Chipmunks Out of Your Yard
  • How To Identify Chipmunks
  • Signs & Causes of a Chipmunk Infestation

如果试图自己摆脱花栗鼠变得过于挑战,我们建议Orkin,终点, andAptive. These exterminators have some of the best-trained professionals that can use traps, baits, and other chemically treated solutions that are often more effective than standard DIY methods.

For Terminix quotes, you can reach them at 866-577-5051 or withthis form.

For quotes from Orkin, call 866-701-4556, or fill outthis form.


Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table of Contents

    How To Get Rid of Chipmunks

    1. Use cayenne pepper to your advantage.Hot peppers, like cayenne pepper, are utterlyunpalatable to chipmunks. To keep chipmunks away, you can spray your plants with cayenne pepper or hot sauce. However, keep in mind that this may prevent pollinators from pollinating your plants because cayenne pepper is toxic to bees.
    2. Use blood meal or commercial deer repellent to repel chipmunks.This is an excellent alternative to cayenne pepper if you’re concerned about your plants not being pollinated. Thiram, which is a fungicide and animal repellent) is in many repellents and can be effective against chipmunks.
    3. Clean up your garden.通过捡起掉落的水果和坚果来消除可能的食物来源。修剪植物,尤其是房屋基础和边界线周围的植物,以防止花栗鼠使您的房屋成为房屋。清理掉落的任何树枝,尤其是从浆果灌木丛或果树上。
    4. Remove any woodpiles and rocks.花栗鼠可能会将这些桩用作洞穴的隐藏场所,他们可能会在其下面挖掘。
    5. Use an electronic repellent to get rid of chipmunks.电子驱蚊剂使用水炸毁花栗鼠或超声波振动,以吓shem,迫使它们重新安置。
    6. Use mothballs to target and kill chipmunks.莫斯球对花栗鼠有毒,很容易杀死不需要的客人。蛾球很棒,因为它们易于使用,并且是负担得起的选择。但是,如果您有孩子或宠物,因为它们很容易将它们误认为食物,就永远不会使用蛾类。如果您是一个成年家庭,则可以使用封存,但是我们建议戴手套,不要呼吸蛾球的气味,因为它们是由有毒化学物质制成的。
    7. 购买或制作液体驱虫剂。Amazon and other stores sell many non-toxic, commercial liquid repellents that can easily repel chipmunks. You can alsomake a DIY solutionof one quart of boiled water combined with two tablespoons of cayenne pepper. Once this solution cools, add two tablespoons of olive oil and pour into a spray bottle. Then spray onto infested areas. Take time to reapply this solution regularly.
    8. DIY您自己的花栗鼠驱虫剂。Try inflating beach balls and have them bounce around your backyard in the wind, or try hanging CDs from your trees. Anything that moves on its own, especially unexpectedly, is likely to scare away the shy, fearful chipmunk.
    9. 使用人道陷阱或活陷阱来捕获花栗鼠。你可以购买一个人道的捕捉和法则ase trap. Once you place thetrap in your yard, add bait, such as peanut butter or sunflower seeds to attract chipmunks. Then, rehome the chipmunks several miles away from your home. Please note that different areas have different laws about trapping and relocating wildlife, so please read up on local ordinances before attempting to trap them.
    10. Utilize a natural repellent, like human hair.人类的气味吓到了花栗鼠,因此请尝试使用散落在院子周围的旧发剪来排斥它们。人头发中的氮甚至会成为您植物的天然肥料。


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    How to Keep Chipmunks Out of Your Yard

    Prevention is always preferable, so how can you keep chipmunks out of your yard?

    1. 使用“捕食者”来吓chipmunks。使用运动激活的猫头鹰可以防止出于恐惧而进入院子。还可以使用喷雾产品,这些产品由捕食动物的尿液(例如猫或狐狸)制成。这种气味会打扰花栗鼠,并使他们出于恐惧而远离。
    2. 建立篱笆或岩石边界。Chipmunks are excellent climbers, but fences with small holes can help to prevent their entry into your yard. Your fence should also be buried地下至少六英寸因此,花栗鼠不会在篱笆下挖掘。净到围栏的顶部和侧面也可以增加花栗鼠进入您的财产的困难。
    3. 保持你的院子里整洁和公关uned.除去所有倒下的水果和坚果,以防止花栗鼠具有简单的食物来源。维护美化环境还可以防止在您的物业上形成简单的挖掘现场和食物来源。
    4. Regularly check your homeand outdoor structures, like a shed, for entry points.This is good practice for preventing many types of pests, especially rodents. Check for holes in your walls, window screens, or gaps between the door and wall. Use a caulking or sealing product to repair those holes and cracks and replace damaged window screens to minimize your risk of pests infiltrating your home.
    5. Rethink your birdseed and bird feeder.Birdseed is an attractive food source for chipmunks. If you decide to keep the birdseed, make sure that your bird feeder is high off the ground and a good distance away from fences or other structures that a chipmunk may climb onto. Do not spread birdseed on the ground as this is likely to attract many pests, including chipmunks and raccoons. Likewise, avoid leaving pet food outside as chipmunks and other wildlife will be attracted to it.
    6. 种植自然冒犯花栗鼠的植物。Daffodils are stunning flowers that are toxic to chipmunks and other wildlife pests, like moles. Onions, hyacinths, and French marigold are just a few of the other plants out there that chipmunks dislike, primarily due to their strong scents. Please remember that some of these plants may be dangerous to pets, so we recommend consulting with your veterinarian before planting these natural repellents.


    Chipmunks are excellent climbers, but fences with small holes can help to prevent their entry into your yard.


    How To Identify Chipmunks

    Chipmunks are members of the squirrel family, which includes squirrels, woodchucks, marmots, prairie dogs, and more. Chipmunks are frequently mistaken for squirrels, but there are some primarydifferences between squirrels and chipmunks.

    Unlike squirrels who live in the holes left in trees by woodpeckers or other pests, chipmunks prefer to live in burrows on the ground, where they create complicated tunnel systems with food storage areas. Areas with stumps and logs are also preferable to chipmunks.

    Chipmunks have a tan body with iconic black or dark brown stripes that run down their back and side. Their underbellies are lighter in color, and they typically have light brown feet. In contrast, squirrels are grayish with a prominent, fluffy tail. Chipmunk tails are much flatter and will even lay on the ground when they are sitting. In terms of size, chipmunks are eight to ten inches, which is much smaller than squirrels, who tend to be 18 to 20 inches long.

    Not only do chipmunks have a much smaller build, different habitat, and coloring than squirrels, but they are omnivores, whereas squirrels primarily eat fruits and nuts. Chipmunks will eat birds’ eggs, snails, salamanders, and even small snakes. During the winter, they also go into torpor, a state of sleep that alternates with groggy states where they eat, which is why they create food storage areas in their burrows.

    Signs & Causes of a Chipmunk Infestation

    Chipmunks can be attracted to our homes and yards for many reasons.

    Common things that may attract chipmunks to your home consist of:

    • 花鳞茎或植物鳞茎(将它们更深地在您的土壤中种植,以防止它们被挖出)
    • Birdseed (clean up all spilled seed and place high off the ground)
    • Shrubs
    • 成年植物,花和果树
    • Firewood and leaf debris piles, which chipmunks may burrow beneath
    • Trees and plants that extend into a wooded area outside your property (i.e., no gravel border or fence between a wooded area and your yard)

    Signs of a chipmunk infestation:

    • Damaged garden or flower beds
    • Chewing marks on your flowers, plants, and fruits
    • 房屋粉底上的破裂人行道或裂缝,这可能表明您的房屋和人行道下的花栗鼠活动
    • chi声的声音
    • 损坏的汽车布线(啮齿动物,像花栗鼠一样,经常在室外汽车中寻找庇护所)
    • 您院子里的小脚印(chipmunks有前脚四个脚趾and five toes on their hind feet)
    • 在您的院子或家里发现花栗鼠
    • Sudden flea problem (chipmunks can carry and spread fleas onto your property)
    • Burrows (these are difficult to identify because chipmunks spread the excavated dirt around and away from the burrow to hide the burrow’s entrance, but you may notice structural damage or tunneling that indicates burrows are present.)

    Final Thoughts on Chipmunks

    They may be cute, small animals, but chipmunks are a massive pest to homeowners, especially gardeners. If you’re experiencing dug-up flower beds or plant bulbs, damaged car wiring, or other signs of a chipmunk infestation, don’t hesitate to call an exterminator or purchase chipmunk repellents to deal with the problem.


    不要等待问题失控。今天采取行动get rid of the chipmunks plaguingyour yard.

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