如何将花栗鼠远离(2022 Edition)

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Chipmunks are cute critters that are members of松鼠家庭。Most chipmunks in the United States are the Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus). They are around five to six inches long and weigh about three ounces. In general, chipmunks will be found in wooded areas, but they can still thrive in suburban and rural areas and parks within cities. While adorable, chipmunks can be a significant pest, and their burrowing cancause substantial damageto stairs, foundations, retention walls, and patios.

所以,如果你发现在你的财产或花栗鼠are noticing chipmunk damage, what can you do to rid your garden and home of chipmunk activity?

Keep reading to learn more about the following topics on keeping chipmunks away from your home:

  • Top 10 Ways to Keep Chipmunks Away
  • 前5个自然解决方案
  • 是什么吸引了花栗鼠
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


Table of Contents

    Top 10 Ways to Keep Chipmunks Away


    • Exclusion (physically preventing chipmunks from coming onto your property)
    • 栖息地修改
    • 陷阱
    • Decoys
    • Chipmunk repellents

    Our top tipsto repel chipmunks并照顾您的花栗鼠问题包括:

    • 破坏花栗鼠挖洞和花栗鼠孔。Chipmunks are persistent diggers and burrowers who can dig underneath your fences or in your garden or flowerbeds. Solutions for this include placing hardware cloth underneath your flower bulbs to prevent chipmunks from digging up your flower bulbs. If you’re unable to place hardware cloth, try digging a trench of at least six inches around your flowerbed. Then, place hardware cloth in the trench and shovel dirt back in, effectively making a fence.
    • 覆盖您的花坛。Use wire mesh to completely cover around and over your garden and flowerbeds. You can build a screen door on one side to allow you to come in and out to take care of your flowers and vegetables. This protection will keep your flowerbeds safe from pests, like chipmunks, squirrels, and birds.
    • Place chipmunk traps.您可以使用任何类型的陷阱effective against rodentssince they are similar in size. To effectively use a trap, you’ll need to identify the trail chipmunks are using.Chipmunks are most activeduring the early morning and in the evening, so watch the chipmunks for a few days to identify where chipmunks are traveling on your property. Place rodent traps on your property with food, such as peanut butter, in them and leave them unset for the first few days until you notice chipmunks comfortably helping themselves to the food. Set them and start catching chipmunks once they are comfortable around the traps. If you choose atrap that kills chipmunks, be prepared to safely dispose of the dead chipmunks. If you choose a live trap, then make sure you relocate them far, far away from your home so that they cannot find their way back to your property.
    • Use decoys around your property.Chipmunks have many natural predators, includingcoyotes, foxes, owls, and hawks。结果,您可以使用各种捕食者诱饵来吓chipmunks远离您的财产。使用捕食者诱饵的关键是,您需要定期在酒店周围移动花栗鼠,以使花栗鼠不会抓住窍门。如果您使用鹰或猫头鹰诱饵,请将它们高高放置在这些掠食者自然闲逛的地方。如果您使用狐狸和土狼诱饵,请将它们放在悬垂的树枝上或内部的灌木丛上,鼻子露出来。这将使花栗鼠认为他们即将被伏击。确保您快速切换诱饵,并不断地将它们移动,以使恐怖的花栗鼠不断移动。另外,您可以设置猫头鹰盒,以吸引真实的猫头鹰,以吓condent啮齿动物和花栗鼠。请记住,如果您有小宠物,那么真正的猫头鹰可能会追随它们,因此请在设置猫头鹰盒之前考虑您的情况。
    • 使用蛾球对抗花栗鼠。Please note that mothballs are extremely toxic to children, pets, and other animals. We only recommend mothballs as a last resort due to the highly toxic chemicals, and only if you do not have kids or pets in the area.
    • Spray a chipmunk repellent around your home and garden.Offensive odors strongly repel chipmunks, and there are many products on the market that you can spray on their food sources and around your garden and yard tokeep repelling chipmunks。我们建议尝试使用香精油和化学药品排斥花栗鼠和松鼠的骨化驱虫喷雾剂。精油的气味使人类的气味令人愉悦,但很辛辣effective against chipmunks。You will need to reapply this product every couple of days, as it only lasts for a short period. If it rains, you will also need to reapply it immediately.
    • Shooting chipmunks.我们不建议这种方法,因为there are many regulations关于您可以和不能开枪的地方。碰到花栗鼠也非常困难,因为花栗鼠非常快又小。在此过程中,您可能会在树木,地面或更糟的树上有许多孔。总体而言,我们建议跳过此方法。即使您可以通过射击杀死花栗鼠,也需要大量时间,精力和清理才能有效。最终,栖息地的修改和驱虫剂将是摆脱这些小动物的更好方法。
    • Spread blood meal or commercial deer repellent around your yard.如果你担心其他产品伤害你r plants, try using a commercial deer repellent or blood meal to repel chipmunks.
    • Use a liquid repellent against chipmunks.许多商店,例如亚马逊,出售无毒的商业驱动剂,可以ward off chipmunks。为了使这种方法有效,您需要定期重新申请,尤其是在降雨和降雪之后。
    • Purchase an ultrasonic repellent to scare chipmunks off.Ultrasonic repellents emit a high-pitched noise that will scare chipmunks and many other pests away from your property. We recommend moving this around your yard and turning the ultrasonic repellent off occasionally so that the noise is not consistent and the chipmunks do not get used to it. Most of these devices are solar powered so that you don’t have to worry about them dying or needing an electrical cord to be plugged in.

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    If you’re looking for a natural solution to rid your home of chipmunks, look no farther than the following ideas:

    • Keep up with landscaping.Chipmunks love wooded areas.如果可能的话,将所有林区从您的房屋中恢复过来,以使外面的树木不会碰到您的房屋和财产。If you have trees on your property, trim the branches so that there are at least 15 feet between the branches of adjacent trees so that chipmunks cannot jump between the branches. In addition, regularly clean up fallen fruits and nuts so that chipmunks aren’t using this as a food source. Remove woodpiles and rocks because chipmunks will use them to hide their burrows.
    • 制作DIY精油花栗鼠驱虫剂。Chipmunks are repelled by many types of essential oils, such as citrus, eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender, so you can mix a couple of drops of essential oils into a spray bottle filled with water to make yourDIY chipmunk repellent。Add a little dish soap to this mixture, then spray around your yard and garden.
    • Remove chipmunk attractants.Chipmunks are primarily after food on your property, so make sure that you make it difficult for them to find food sources by removing them from your property. Birdseed, unprotected crops and flowers, and more are all things that can attract chipmunks to your property. Ensure that your bird feeder is secure and only birds can get into it. Protect your flowerbeds and crops with netting.
    • Use cayenne pepper to repel chipmunks.Cayenne Pepper对花栗鼠非常冒犯,会使它们远离吃花园。在您的农作物中撒上辣椒辣椒,在您发现花栗鼠步道以阻止花栗鼠闲逛的地区。肉桂也可能是针对花栗鼠的有效方法。
    • 花栗鼠讨厌的花朵。花栗鼠,田鼠,啮齿动物和许多其他害虫讨厌水仙花的味道。因此,针对花栗鼠的长期驱逐出色的驱虫剂是在花朵中种植水仙花,以阻止花栗鼠吃花。

    Chipmunks love wooded areas.


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    简而言之,花栗鼠被您的财产吸引到食物,水和庇护所中。很遗憾,花栗鼠是杂食动物, so they’lleat practically anything, from acorns to berries, earthworms, bird eggs, insects, fruits, mushrooms, roots, berries, seeds, tomatoes, flower bulbs, and even baby mice.


    Chipmunks will also drink water out of water features and bird baths, so you may want to cover these or remove them to discourage pests from using these as a water source.

    In addition to this, chipmunks are amazing climbers. However, they prefer to spend their time on the ground, preferably in covered areas where they can hide from predators. You’ll often see chipmunks hiding in shrubs, lines of bushes, log piles, loose debris, and piles of rocks or brick. If you have piles of debris, wood, or rocks on your property, we recommend removing these and cleaning up fallen leaves, fruits, and nuts to discourage chipmunks from hanging around your yard.

    Final Thoughts

    As a homeowner, it’s frustrating to have your garden and yard torn apart by chipmunks, so don’t wait to act. Chipmunks are cute critters, but they are significant pests that can quickly make a huge infestation in your yard or garden. If you notice chipmunks in your yard, act quickly because chipmunks can breed rapidly and quickly create a problem. We recommend using multiple methods to repel and deter chipmunks from coming onto your property for the best results.

    However, if your chipmunk problem is not getting better, we recommend reaching out to yourlocal pest control professional帮助处理这些小啮齿动物。

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