Are Opossums/Possums Dangerous? (The Answer May Surprise You)

Home>Removal Guides>How To Get Rid of Opossums (2022 Edition)>Are Opossums/Possums Dangerous? (The Answer May Surprise You)

If you see an opossum ransacking your trash cans, the next logical thought is to wonder whether or not this creature poses any danger to your family or your pets.

After all, what if they carry diseases?

Will they bite?

What if they scratch?

For all you know, this creepy, growling scavenger might lunge forward and attack you!

If these questions ring a bell, keep reading. We’ve got the answers to these and more!

Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table of Contents

    So, Are Opossum’s Dangerous To Humans?

    Generally speaking, the opossum is anocturnal animalwhich avoids interaction with humans.

    In order to scare off predators, though, the opossum will pull out all the stops and employ its own biological defenses.

    What’s That Sound?

    When it feels as though it’s under duress, an opossum will begin to growl or hiss at its attacker,baring its teeth.

    在一些人看来,这是一个紫罗兰的前兆nt attack, as though the opossum is preparing to pounce or strike. Usually, this hissing and growling is nothing more than a bluff; as these animals are much more afraid of people than people are of them.

    Do You Smell That?

    As an additionaldeterrent, opossums have evolved to slip into a seemingly catatonic state.

    In this sort of fugue state, the opossums drool as though they’re rabid and secrete a green fluid from their anal glands. This fluid hasa repulsive smell, and will drive away predators and humans alike with just one sniff.

    “Playing ‘Possum”

    Most of the time, an opossum’s interaction with a human is one of a very muted nature—in an effort to hinder an interaction with the predator, the opossum will simplyplay dead.

    The opossum can drop its heartbeat for a period of a few minutes to a maximum of two hours in order to give the predator enough time to lose interest. During this charade, the opossum’s body is limp and its tongue hangs out of its mouth, giving every outward impression that it truly is dead.

    After the predator leaves, the opossum springs back to life and flees the scene.

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    Based on the facts listed above about the introverted nature of the opossum, it’s unlikely that one of these creatures will pounce on you or your pet.

    However, it’s not outside the realm of possibility to wonder about whether theseopportunistic feederswill take a bite out of your arm if given the chance!

    Are Opossum’s Dangerous To Humans?

    Generally speaking, the opossum is a nocturnal animal which avoids interaction with humans. In order to scare off predators, though, the opossum will pull out all the stops and employ its own biological defenses.

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    Are Opossum Bites Dangerous or Harmful?

    As noted above, opossums are famously non-confrontational. They would much rather wheeze and drool in their fugue state or “play ‘possum” than get into a fight with an offender.

    However, when faced with an attacker, it’s not impossible for opossums tobite in self-defense. More often than not, opossums get into fights with pets or other small animals in the yard and end up using their row of sharp teeth to their advantage. However, this only happens when the opossum feels as though it was cornered into an unavoidable fight.

    Again, this is used only as a last resort. To see just how passive these animals are (even when cornered), check out the video below.

    Are Opossum Scratches Dangerous?

    Due to the fact that opossums’ nail beds areeasily ripped out,它是highly unlikely that they will scratch a predator at all—even in self-defense.

    Their hands are very delicate, so their reflexive action wouldn’t be to scratch when they’re scared or alarmed. This is why they have evolved to act so strangely in the face of danger: by slipping into their crazed, catatonic state, opossums can protect their fragile hands while scaring away predators.

    The Most Common Risk Associated with Opossums

    While opossums don’t usually carry rabies, they can carry and transmit bacterial diseases. The most common disease associated with opossums isleptospirosis, but several others can be transmitted by these animals as well via waste excretion in the area where they live.

    How can you protect yourself from these diseases?

    • Practice proper hygiene after handling garbage and yard work
    • Make sure your trash containers are always sealed and the area is well-kept
    • Wash your produce thoroughly, particularly if it’s home-grown
    • Wear protective clothing when working outdoors, especially gloves and thick socks
    • Be sure to always maintain proper hygiene for your pets

    Final Thoughts About The Danger Of Opossums

    When an opossum bares its teeth and hisses at you, it’s normal to wonder what’s coming up next. However, now you’ll be much more prepared for the next time this happens—instead of running for the hills, you know now that this is all part of its biological impulse to survive.

    Unless an opossum is directly attacked, it won’t bite you. These are peaceful, solitary creatures that enjoy a quiet life, so the chances that you’ll ever face danger at the hands (or paws) of an opossum are slim to none.

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