如何摆脱后院的负鼠 /负鼠?(Tip & Tricks)

>Removal Guides>How To Get Rid of Opossums (2022 Edition)>如何摆脱后院的负鼠 /负鼠?(Tip & Tricks)

您第一次看到院子中的负鼠侵扰的迹象 - 垃圾垃圾,或者也许是负鼠本身 - 它可能很想采取巨大的措施……快速!

What’s the best way to handle these hissing, rat-tailed creatures?

Are they dangerous?


For the best answers to these questions, read on. We’re here to tell you exactly how to take care of an opossum in your backyard, and whether or not there’s a cause for concern.

Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!


    最好的课程of Action? Leave Them Alone.

    That’s correct, your eyes don’t deceive you; the best way to handle an opossum in your backyard or garden is to let nature run its course.

    Why shouldn’t you interfere?

    For starters, these animals aren’t rabid and they’re probably more scared of you than you are of them. Also, there are a few different answers as to why you should let them stay put.

    Keep reading below for detailed explanations as to why an opossum is best left to Mother Nature to sort out.





    信不信由你,负鼠不受蛇毒的影响一种特殊的蛋白质present in their blood.


    Still thinking

    No Weed Whacker Necessary


    Before you get worried that they’ll attack your garden flowers or crops, rest assured that these animals are much more attracted to the taste of wilting weeds than healthy planet matter.

    Generally, they act as weed-eaters around the perimeter of a property and take out all the unsightly grasses growing in places that landscapers would normally修剪自己。

    They’re a Free Cleaning Crew

    One of the most unpleasant parts of owning a home is having to remove a dead animal that’s made its way onto your property to die. Wouldn’t it be lovely if there were a way to take care of this task without touching a dead animal (or paying a cent for someone else to do it for you)?


    These animals love to feast on carcasses on dead animals (sometimes calledcarrion) and will readily clean up any decaying animal that happens to die in your yard.


    If you’d rather go for a quicker fix, yes! Traps are normally considered humane methods of dealing with a nuisance animal because they generally only confine the animal until it can be released in the wild. While this is true of opossum traps,a permit is required在许多州,将被困在个人财产中的负鼠重新放回野外。

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    Preventing Further Opossum Infestation In Your Yard

    If you’re convinced that opossums are creepy and you don’t want them hanging out in your vicinity, we understand.

    如果您的后院有负鼠,则可以采取以下一些步骤使您的财产成为less hospitable placefor them. This, in turn, will make them back up and move along to another place to call home.

    Modify the Habitat To Help With Prevention


    • Separate food scraps and dispose of them in sealable, airtight containers such as plastic food containers you’d normally throw away
    • 将所有宠物食品和鸟类种子存放在耐用的容器中,这些容器无法被负鼠的锋利牙齿穿透
    • 将垃圾放在带有锁定盖的垃圾桶中,或不可用小负鼠抬起的重盖

    Prevent Opossums From Forming A Den Around Your Backyard


    • Seal up cracks and crevices around the property that opossums could manipulate into a larger hole
    • 修复任何通向房屋空间直接入口的松散木板
    • 确保所有通风孔都适当地盖了,没有进入外部的通道
    • Caulk any loose areas which could lead to a hole in the future
    • 在花园周围安装家禽电线,以防止负鼠进入


    If you’d rather go for a quicker fix, there’s always the option to trap an opossum at home to control the problem at the source.

    陷阱通常被认为是与滋扰动物打交道的人道方法,因为它们通常仅将动物限制在动物中直到可以释放到野外为止。虽然负鼠陷阱是正确的,但a permit is requiredin many states to relocate an opossum that was trapped on personal property back into the wild.


    The Final Takeaway About Yard Opossum Removal


    But really, they’re not so bad to have around. In fact, they are incredibly beneficial animals in terms of pest control and backyard cleanliness, if you can believe it; they’ll eat up anything unpleasant and keep your yard looking manicured!

    删除它们需要时间,如果您选择快速进行,则必须采取暴力措施。我们建议他们让他们在院子里吃害虫 - 到他们的游牧生活方式,负鼠很可能会在随着时间的时候自行收拾行装。

