您如何摆脱房屋中的浣熊?(A Simple Guide)

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This means, of course, they can easily adapt to living in your house.

Raccoons can get inside through crevices or openings around attics, basements, or even inside walls. Once raccoons are inside, it can be difficult to get them to leave.

在许多情况下,人们需要与专业人员联系trap them

If one does get in your house, here’s what you can do to把他们拿出来and reclaim your home again!

Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer



    Why Do Raccoons Go Inside Your Home?

    Raccoons like to go into houses because they makeexcellent food sources和DEN网站。这些动物通常会在食物和庇护所上互相战斗,因为多达15和25浣熊可以彼此1平方英里以内。

    国家人道社会的约翰·哈迪安(John Hadidian)在下面的视频中详细解释了浣熊的机会主义。


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    Raccoons areomnivores,这意味着他们吃肉和植物。的确,他们会吃大多数可以戴上爪子的东西,包括虫子,鱼类,水果,蔬菜以及人类垃圾箱(如比萨饼皮和饼干)的食物。

    Many of these foods can be found near human homes and inside kitchens, which make residential areas an all-you-can-eat-buffet for the average raccoon.



    Most are not poisonous and are highly effective in attracting raccoons through the use of scents like anise or动物麝香。浣熊,虽然非常聪明的动物,不能resist the scent of a gourmet meal and will normally dive headfirst into a delicious-smelling bait that’s set out for them.


    How to Trap a Raccoon In Your House?


    • 驱逐
    • 排除
    • 移动
    • Reunion

    First, you need to identify where, exactly, the raccoon lives in the house. This is usually the easy part since these animals make noise as they rustle through the trash. They tend to live in areas where they can easily get in and out. They like places that people don’t often enter: attics, underneath porches, and in spaces in the walls are popular.

    Once you know where it lives, determine whether or not it has kits, or babies. If it does, pick up the kits separately and keep them in a container where they can breather. They can be reunited with the adult once it is caught.


    也可以看看:How to pick the best trap for your raccoon problem?

    What if the Raccoon Doesn’t Have Babies?

    If the raccoon doesn’t have any kits, just focus on the adults. This simplifies the process and only eliminates the reunion step of the process.


    Once you have trapped a raccoon, you need to know where to take it. States have different trap laws that dictate where you can release a wild animal. Be sure to do some research with your local鱼类和野生动植物师做出决定之前。




    • 戴厚手套以防止咬伤
    • Always wear long sleeves
    • 有某种形式的眼部保护
    • Avoid touching the raccoon as much as possible
    • 按照所有设置陷阱的说明
    • 处理浣熊后洗手和衣服

    How to Prevent Future Raccoons

    If you don’t want any more wildlife visitors, you need to seal up their original entry point in your house. Your first step should be to identify how the raccoon was entering and exiting your home, then close the hole with an appropriate sealing or caulking agent.


    It’s a lot of work, but keep in mind that raccoons are destructive. The average cost to repair a hole is$ 350至$ 500,and internal damage by raccoons is usually not covered by insurance. A single raccoon can cost you between $500 and $1,500 overall!

