如何治疗蝎子刺痛(2022 Edition)

>Removal Guides>蝎子清除>如何治疗蝎子刺痛(2022 Edition)

蝎子可能是一个令人难以置信的害虫,可以在您的家中或周围发生。凭借分割的尾巴和大型钳子,它们的外观相当令人恐惧。将其与他们刺伤人和动物的能力相结合导致well-earned bad reputation

幸运的是,大多数蝎子没有足够的毒液to be harmful or fatal to humans. However, there are a few that do, and it’s always best to know what to look out for if you or someone you’re with gets stung.


  • 哪些蝎子最糟糕
  • 如何治疗蝎子刺痛
  • 什么时候获得医疗帮助


Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

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    In the United States, most scorpions that you’re going to encounter will be in areas that have sandy soil like the desert. States in the American Southwest like Arizona, New Mexico, and some areas of California have the highest scorpion populations in the country. The scorpions you encounter there will be mostly harmless, although some of the scorpion species in the family Buthidae can be dangerous.


    Being able to identify an Arizona bark scorpion can let you know whether you need to get medical treatment after being hit with a stinger or not. Bark scorpions are fairly small and are usually about 2.5 inches in length. They have tan bodies, and their backs are darker in color, which is one of their most recognizable traits. If you’re sure that you’ve been stung by a bark scorpion, you must get treatment as soon as you possibly can.



    The first thing you’ll want to do if you’re stung by a scorpion is stay calm. While it can be scary to get stung, it’s important to know the odds are good that the scorpion that stung youisn’t venomous enough to cause real harm。Even the Arizona bark scorpion’s sting can be treated if you act fast and don’t panic. Simply move away from the area where you got stung to be sure that it won’t happen again.

    After you’ve moved away from the area, you’ll want to lessen the pain with first aid by cleaning the wound and applying an antibiotic ointment. Then, put cold compresses on the wound and elevate it to the same height as your heart. If it’s hurting, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.



    The most important thing to remember is that more than likely, you won’t experience any life-threatening reactions outside of mild symptoms and the initial pain, which is与蜜蜂的刺痛相媲美or spider bite. Staying calm and doing everything you can to treat the wound will likely be enough to recover from the ordeal.

    In the United States, most scorpions that you’re going to encounter will be in areas that have sandy soil like the desert. The scorpions you encounter there will be mostly harmless, although some of the scorpion species in the family Buthidae can be dangerous.

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    When to Get Medical Help

    If you start to experience unusual蝎子刺痛的症状,最好尽快获得医疗服务。无法接受家庭疗法治疗的症状包括:

    • 快速的眼睛运动
    • 麻疹
    • 肌肉抽搐或肌肉痉挛
    • Increased heart rate
    • Trouble breathing

    If you or someone you’re with starts to experience these symptoms, especially young children or older adults, call poison control and go to the nearest emergency department as soon as you can. These could be a sign of either anaphylaxis or envenomation. The hospital should be able to provide an antivenom that can help reduce these symptoms and treat the sting site.

    Final Thoughts


    If you’re dealing with a scorpion infestation in your backyard or home, you must get help from a害虫控制专业人员。他们会知道的what kinds of pesticides to use最好的行动是摆脱它们。他们也可以帮助您确保他们不会回来and bother you in the future.

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