Top 4 Best Termite Sprays To Buy (**2022 Review**)

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Home>Product Reviews>Termite Products>Top 4 Best Termite Sprays To Buy (**2022 Review**)

So you’re in the market for a termite spray, but you’re not quite sure what you’re looking for? We’ve got you covered.

In our guide, you’ll find out about

  • 最好的白蚁喷雾,分解并解释
  • What chemical kills termites
  • Why sprays are the best buy
  • Whether or not you can spray indoors
  • 购买喷雾之前要记住的技巧
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Best Overall
Overall Rating
Best Service
Overall Rating

Bora Care

  • 价格适中
  • 仅用于破坏木材的昆虫
  • 40% concentration of the main ingredient

Martin’s IGR Concentrate

  • 主要建议在室内使用
  • Can also be mixed stronger for outdoor use
  • 一旦干燥,可以安全地有孩子和宠物的环境


  • 理想的自然选择
  • EPA-compliant botanical insecticide
  • FIFRA 25(b) exempt and National Organics Program compliant


  • Kills and protects against wood-boring insects
  • Expansion foam covers hard to reach areas
  • Comes ready to use without mixing


  • 需求CS termi对待tes and 30 other common pests.
  • Microcapsule formula makes pests pick it up easier.
  • 由于阳光直射或热量,它不会迅速分解。

Table Of Contents

    Top 5 Best Termite Sprays

    如果你着急,你可以点击比罗的链接w for a quick look at the top five termite sprays we reviewed. For a more a comprehensive explanation (plus tons more information about in-home termite control), keep reading below.

    1. Bora Care
    2. Martin’s IGR Concentrate(best budget option)
    3. 要求CS
    4. Eco Friendly IC3 Pro Insect Killer(best natural option)

    What Chemical Kills Termites?


    但在所有化学品浮动arou的名字nd, which are the best termite killer products out there?

    一般而言,特定杀死白蚁的杀虫剂可以被漏掉到自己的一类称为靶标。这是一个涵盖绝大多数化学物质的一般术语eradicate termites从一个地区 - 他们生活在土壤中,还是在您家的木工中居住。

    In addition to termiticides, a chemical called an insect growth regulator (or IGR, for short) is present in most all insecticides and gets the job done as well bystunting the growthhormones of the insect in the larval stage of life.


    Why Use a Spray in the First Place?


    Well, each type of insecticide has its merits and its pitfalls, but the sprays we reviewed are beneficial in the following ways:

    • 这些喷雾是每次使用的混合,这意味着可以根据需求调整集中度
    • the liquid can seep into hard-to-reach places and kill off unsuspecting termites
    • with a spray, you can a wider range of coverage than you would with a bait station
    • 在涉及的白蚁(或其他害虫)已被根除后很长时间,喷雾剂对新的侵扰提供了剩余的保护。



    然而,当涉及白蚁时,这是醋的力量平坦的地方 - 您需要更强大的东西来消除这些狂热的昆虫。

    In fact,termites actually producea crude form of vinegar in their gut microbes. As their stomachs break down the wood and metabolize the cellulose within for nourishment, termites create acetic acid molecules (better known as vinegar), which they then use for energy.

    So, essentially, if you douse your woodwork in vinegar in an effort to drive the termites out, you’re probably just fighting fire with fire.

    Home Remedy for Termites in Wood vs Calling a Professional


    However, we recommend to go the DIY route only when you’ve got termites in your soil or in trees or bushes in your yard rather than infesting the wooden structures of your actual home.


    Well, once termites invade your home, you’re outnumbered. Even if you have a full house, the termites will still have you beat–even thesmallest termite colonies落在50,000会员范围内!

    Once they’re in, they’re really in–setting to work chomping down on your hard-earned property. In the soil, it’s relatively simple to spray a chemical to eradicate the termites, but the properties of wood make it so that it the chemicals dry out and distribute without as much ease.

    Termites typically infest a home in either one of two ways, depending on the type of termite:

    If you spot these safety tubes or notice drywood termite bite marks in your woodwork, it may be too late for home remedies to get rid of your termite problems.

    Take our word for it–with a destructive pest like termites, biting the bullet and shelling out for a high-quality product or termite control service will pay for itself in the long run.

    Are These Indoor Termite Sprays?


    We get it: you want something that’s strong enough to combat the elements outside, but gentle enough not to affect your pets and kids indoors.

    The good news is that most sprays sold to consumers in a retail setting (both online and in stores) are versatile in the sense that theycan无论您需要什么;对白蚁的室内保护或室外保障。

    Compare Pest Control Companies Near You


    Keep this in mind: just because all sprays are marketed to kill termites means they’re the same. Here are a few things to consider when you’re making your selection.

    • 您的院子里还有其他害虫,也需要杀死吗?
    • Are there any standing bodies of water on your property?
    • 您在院子里种植自己的食物吗?如果是这样,您会喷洒这些农作物吗?

    Below are some of the factors to consider before purchasing anything.

    Extra Accessories

    Most termite killer sprays are sold as industrial bottles and require a spray nozzle to administer the liquid in your yard or home.


    A huge bonus of the spray nozzles is their utility: not only can this sprayer be used to distribute termiticide through your home or garden, but can be thoroughly cleaned out and used to spray fertilizer or herbicide as well.We recommend something like this.

    Your Family and Household Members


    But if you’ve got a baby learning to crawl in one room, a toddler tinkering around in another, a dog chasing his tail in the front yard and a cat snoozing in the corner, you may be wary about firing off a chemical through your home, no matter how non-toxic it claims to be.

    重要的是要了解一些主要的寡妇和杀虫剂,以便您可以做出决定知情的消费者, rather than just grabbing something from a shelf or an Amazon lineup.

    • Bifenthrin–pyrethroid extract which occurs naturally and stops an insect’s nerve cells from working properly, causing death
    • Permethrin–natural extract from the chrysanthemum flower which paralyzes insects and leads to death
    • Fipronil - A粉末,通过结合神经结束并关闭神经系统来杀死昆虫
    • Imidacloprid–a nicotine-mimicking insecticide which kills the nerves and shocks insects to death

    Will These Insecticides Hurt Me?

    It’s natural to wonder whetheryour如果您使用这些成分之一,但不要烦恼,神经末梢也将衰减其过早的灭亡!

    These sprays work their magic on termites because their bodies are so small. A human would have to gulp down more than their fair share of termiticide to have any ill effects.

    That being said, please exercise caution if you do have young children in the house. Always use your best judgment and keep chemicals out of reach of kids. If any chemical is ingested, please contactPoison Controlimmediately.

    Also, make sure to use proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while spraying your yard and garden for termites. To get an idea of what we’re talking about, check out the information in the video below.

    Termite Sprays Reviewed

    In the below section we break down each of our product recommendations in a little more detail.

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    Bora Careis a product that has a specific niche in taking care of termites. It comes in the form of gallon jugs, and its cost lands in the mid to almost low price range for pesticides.



    The one criticism I was able to find is that this product is very thick, almost like honey, and it may be a little difficult to work with at first. Some of the customer reviews suggested mixing it with water. I advise reading the label first to make sure that this is something that won’t reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.


    • 价格适中.
    • Borate based.
    • It can be used in pre-construction or post-construction projects.
    • The formulation is thick and can be difficult to work with due to the viscosity of the product.
    Overall Rating


    Normally, the first name to come up at the mention of termiticides is Talstar. It’s the most widely-acclaimed, well-known termite spray out there, and for good reason.

    It certainly gets the job done, killing termites as well as other insects that get in the way. It’s convenient, requiring only an extra spray nozzle to administer the liquid out into the yard. It contains a high level of Bifenthrin, but not so high that it can’t be used inside.


    Simply put: it’s too expensive. You’re paying for the brand, but you really don’t have to. We can’t deny that it’s a wonderful product that has its merits, but the same product can be purchased for a lower cost.


    • Stands up to sunlight and heat
    • It adheres to insects easily
    • Can be expensive
    • Has a smell

    Martin's IGR Concentrate

    If you’re working with a tight billfold, this is the product for you.


    This means that instead of killing just termites, it stops all insects in their tracks…literally. Pests’ growth hormones are inhibited in the larval stage, meaning that new bugs can’t pop up and, well,bugyou.

    This spray is suited for mostly indoor use–which we really like–because you can protect your home from a potential termite infestation before it happens.

    While you’re at it, you can kill off any other bugs that may be lurking around, whether you know you have them…or not.


    • Appropriate for indoor use
    • Strong enough to be mixed for outdoor use as well
    • Affordable option for those who need to save a few bucks
    • 杀死害虫远不仅仅是白蚁
    • Does not include sprayer
    • The bottle comes in a 4 oz container, which may be too small for some consumers

    Eco Friendly Living Essentria IC3 Pro Insect Killer

    EssentriaIC3 Pro Insect Killer is an awesome alternative to those who want an all-natural and botanical answer to their termite problem.

    The solution is compliant to EPA standards as a botanical insecticide, and passes the EPA’s Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Section 25(b) exemptions.

    此外,Essentria IC3 Pro昆虫杀手还符合国家有机物计划的标准。

    We recommend this product not only for consumers who want to take a more natural approach to knocking out termites in the garden, but for those who have standing water.

    If you have a pond, a pool, or access to a creek anywhere on your property, it’s imperative that you use a product that’s not quite as harsh, chemically speaking.

    The last thing you want is for a ton of chemicals to build up and grow stagnant in your pond while termites run free, escaping into your home.


    • Professional-grade product that kills termites and other pests
    • EPA-compliant to kill bugs without harsh chemicals
    • Exempt from FIFRA 25(b)
    • 非常适合所有景观类型
    • Some previous customers noted a strong minty odor
    • Reportedly killed some users' outdoor plants
    • Requires a spray nozzle sold separately
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