How To Keep Raccoons Away From Your Garbage (A Simple Guide)

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Raccoons are one of the most resilient wildlife creatures that you may find in your backyard. Their ability to find food is one of the reasons they thrive in urban environments. Because of that, garbage cans are often one of their main targets, and they’ll do everything they can to get in them and find a meal.


  • Strewn garbage
  • 足迹
  • 垃圾桶上的划痕可以盖

Knowing how to keep raccoons away from your trash is the best way to keep them away from your house in general. As soon as they realize that there is no food in your garage or backyard, they will move on to the next place.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • How To Keep Raccoons Away from Your Trash
  • What Raccoons Like To Eat
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


Table of Contents

    How To Keep Raccoons Away from Your Trash



    浣熊具有极好的嗅觉,如果它们肮脏,他们会更容易找到您的垃圾桶。腐烂的食物和发酵水果和蔬菜会在您的罐子上留下残留物,使它们对浣熊和其他害虫等蟑螂。Spray your cans with soap and water every time they get emptied to ensure they won’t alert any critters of food sources.

    2. Secure Your Trash Bins


    3. Double Bag Trash

    If you have trash that is especially pungent or contains a lot of food scraps, it’s best to double bag it. While a second bag won’t deter raccoons from getting into the trash, it will contain the smell much better than a single bag will. This is especially true if you use scented trash bags. Make sure they are sealed all the way up at the top and that both of the bags are closed tightly.




    Ammonia is one of the best ways to neutralize any smells on your garbage bins or trash bags. A little liquid ammonia sprinkled on your bags before they get put into the cans will cut any smells that might be attractive to raccoons. It also works as an animal repellent and will help keep老鼠,大鼠和其他啮齿动物away. There are a number of市场上的啮齿动物驱虫剂通常,这也可以使浣熊远离您的垃圾。


    While raccoons are very focused on food, they are also always on the lookout for water sources. Not only do they drink it, butthey also use it to grip food,因此他们需要水冲洗污垢和灰尘,并更好地处理它。如果您的前院或后院有任何积水,最好尽快消除它。大雨期间,种植者和水桶都应翻倒,最好在院子里安装适当的排水。


    Raccoons are primarily nocturnal animals that look for food at night and sleep during the day. Because of this, they are especially averse to bright lights. Motion detector lights in your backyard around your trash cans can be an excellent deterrent against raccoons. You can also install bright string lights around your cans and keep them plugged in overnight.

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    浣熊能够在人口庞大的地方蓬勃发展的主要原因之一是that they are omnivores。They will eat almost anything that people leave out in their trash, as well as plants, insects,和其他动物。这意味着,如果他们能够掌握他们的饮食几乎没有限制。


    For example, if you have a chicken coop, raccoons will be more likely to sneak in and eat the eggs before killing the chickens. However, they can kill large birds, so it’s best to ensure that your coop is fully sealed and free of any holes. If you have plants in your yard that bear fruit, make sure you keep them as harvested and trimmed as possible. This will eliminate freshly fallen fruit on the ground, which can be an easy meal for raccoons.

    Some of the foods that raccoons have been known to eat in the wild include:

    • 浆果
    • 坚果
    • Fruit
    • Insects
    • 青蛙




    Keep Your Yard Safe by Keeping Raccoons Out

    通过了解浣熊的饮食以及如何使它们远离垃圾桶,您也可以将它们远离家园。虽然浣熊很可爱,但它们也带有许多疾病和can be dangerous当拐弯时。防止他们进入或周围是确保安全安全的最佳方法。

    如果你是处理一个浣熊的问题,基于“增大化现实”技术e many ways to get rid of them. However, by preparing your trash cans and keeping them either locked up or safeguarded, you can prevent them from finding food and keep them out of your yard in the first place.

